Anybody watch the Grammys tonight?

I was too busy listening to MUSIC on my analogue rig.  Sigh.  What am I missing?
Haven't watched it for years...just not that entertaining anymore.

Celebrities sing and act mostly.  Then when put on an awards stage they have to do something other than that.  What do they do?  Try to come across as being more intelligent than we (in the audience) are by expressing a political opinion.  Got news for them, voice and acting talent does not a political science expert make.  And, as we all know, opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and yours doesn't make you special.
orpheus10 said..."that’s because both parties are owned by the oligarchs, and when we point this out, they find ways to destroy us."

Not to mention the Bilderberg group is alive and well... as are the Bohemian Club members consisting of major political and business peoples.

America needs to wake-up...