Who has the best plasma monitor these days

I am looking to get a plasma monitor. I don't need a tuner within it. Just the screen. I have a cable tv supplier that already provides the HD tuner box with hdmi output. I am looking for a 42 or 50 inch screen. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks
The best plasmas, in fact the best flat screens period, that I have seen are the new Pioneer Kuros - best color, best blacks, best shadow detail (BY FAR the best) and fewest artifacts. The Panny's are very nice, especially for their price point, but they don't have the shadow detail of the Pios, which are more expensive.

LCDs have improved a ton but after auditioning several over the last month I still feel strongly that the shadow detail just doesn't cut it - yet. Since I watch lots of movies that have dark or night scenes, this remains a deal killer for me for my primary display. The blacks on LCDs are much improved, however, just not as good as the best plasmas. The shadow detail has a ways to go, and the motion trails on the non 120hz displays are a drag too.
I'm pretty much onside with the brand reccomendations already made, re: Panasonic, Pioneer, Hitachi and Fujitsu.

That said, I would say that if you state that you're in the market for a 42 or 50-inch panel, consider going bigger still.

You might have dimensional or budgetary reasons for your choice, and that's fine, but many people unintentionally lowball their screen size choice, and are happier going 50-60 instead of 42-50.

42 just seems so small these days.
As a dealer for many Plasma brands. If you take into consideration reliability and best picture and not so much on best price. The winner hands-down is the Pioneer's followed by Panasonic. These two brands by a wide margin better the likes of Samsung, Sharp, LG, and Toshiba. Some Sony models are also quite good, however, they do not make a consumer plasma.
I would love to replace my 32" Sony Wega XBR television with a flat panel. But, every flat panel I've seen does not have any detail in the shadow areas.

Do any of these flat panels compete with my Sony Wega XBR for detail in the shadows?

Do plasmas have better shadow details than lcd's?
Thanks, Jeff