Nuprime vs preamp rebuild.

Had previously queried community re value of upgrading dac.  In brief I have an AR SP-3 preamp, Prima Luna HP amp, Magnepan 1.7 speakers.  The dac is from HRT and is (I believe) their original model.  Good quality interconnects and power cord.  Up to this point, have been using Spotify Premium as streaming source.  One respondent recommended getting the SP-3 up to speed.  Last service is long ago, though usage has been light.  The price of a rebuild done by AR is about 3K, all costs considered.  Another respondent advised purchasing a Nuprime 10 which would cover both the preamp and dac issues.  Would very much appreciate any thoughts re these options.  Thanks
I'll just reiterate that I've not heard the AR not have I ever had an AR in my system. Prior to owning the nuprime I had a belles 22a tube Preamp with the Halide dac. I also spin vinyl so the analog line pre function was very important to me. When I bought the nuprime it was going to have to be 1) an improvement in DAC quality... it was 2) and be at least the equal of the belles overall in sound quality... it was and though I didn't do a lot of a/b comparisons I think it was better. 

Does es that mean it's better than your AR? No. It does however mean that it's no slouch, at least to my ears. 
Dear Joe— thanks for your last remarks; they were very helpful.   I phrased my question rather poorly, as an a vs b comparison, not a realistic approach at all.    What I really needed to know was whether those who used this unit were pleased with its performance, and I would say that you have made a strong endorsement.  I am actually in the process of ordering it at this time.  js
I hope I helped and you like the nuprime, it will be in my system for a long time. 

Btw, there is a guy who mods nuprime with their blessing. Most say it's worth it but I haven't tried it yet, focusing on my analog front in for now.