
Responses from jameslsimons

New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
If it sounds too good to be true . . .yada  yada.  A simple suggestion—raffle off 6-10 of this product to members of this board who are interested in giving it a try.  Their only obligation iwould be to post a review of the product within a few we... 
Belles Virtuoso or PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP
Perhaps this will help.  There is a shop in the tiny California town of Trinidad called Audio Waves.  The owner, a lovely man called Alan, deals with Belles equipment, though I cannot vouch for this particular piece of equipment.  Most importantly... 
Nuprime vs preamp rebuild.
Dear Joe— thanks for your last remarks; they were very helpful.   I phrased my question rather poorly, as an a vs b comparison, not a realistic approach at all.    What I really needed to know was whether those who used this unit were pleased with... 
Nuprime vs preamp rebuild.
Dear roberjerman—thank you very much.  I was aware of the status of the SP-3 and had no intention of parting with it.  I spoke with AR directly and got the name of a certified technician in my area whom they highly recommended.  Spoke with the lat... 
Nuprime vs preamp rebuild.
Thanks for the above.  Given the age of my SP-3, the Nuprime preamp may do just as well, perhaps better, and of course the dac upgrade should be substantial. 
Nuprime vs preamp rebuild.
Joe gator and jl35 thank you both very much.  I realize that my question borders on the ridiculous.  I think it is highly unlikely that anyone in this community could meaningfully comment on a rebuilt SP-3 vs. the Nuprime.  At this point cost beco... 
Dac upgrade?
Monday—I like your idea.  I am in the process of arranging an upgrade with AR.  After that is completed I will likely give the Gungnir a trial.  There seems to be a wide range of opinions re the value of the multibit upgrade.  Welcome any thoughts... 
Dac upgrade?
Dweller and docknow—thanks, very helpful.  I will look into the Rega.   Shadorne—are you saying it makes no difference whether one uses “standard” vs. Premium Spotify?  I am an audio know nothing, but I would have thought that the greater amount o...