Any Bryston 4B3 amp owners out there?

I'm strongly considering a 4B3 amp purchase. Bryston's warranty and build quality are as good as it gets and the price is in my budget. Pro reviews are good, I'm just wondering what owners may think. Are you pleased with the performance, what it's matched with, etc. I'm already aware of the specs, the story behind the design, and all the press release stuff. Plain talk would be appreciated.

I was considering the ML 532H for a while too.  The heat sink placement (cannot stack or put in tight top bottom enclosure) and rear binding posts were a turn off.  I also don't think its made with the same care and quality as their highest end gear and more suited for home theater (could be wrong).  There is one for sale at a super low price but with some cosmetic issues.
I've seen pics of the ML 532H, the most revealing were with the lid popped off. Internal heat sinks don't seem like the best idea (glad you brought it up) and it's built on a "one size fits all" chassis. The obvious reason is a cost saving measure. More models on a single chassis is kinda what GM did with their cars about a decade ago. It is on my short list to buy, but I the checkbook won't come out unless I have concrete assurance that it could be returned. I've had buyer's remorse with new, that risk is elevated with used.
This just posted...I'd grab it McCormack DNA-2 LAE SMc Audio Signature Edition
I would say the Parasound A21, Pass Labs X250.8, and Bryston 4B3 will sound different from each other and it will break down to your personal preference. Meaning you would benefit from hearing them in person if at all possible.

In my opinion, the overall sound character of the Pass Labs is closer to the Parasound than the Bryston is to the Parasound.
I recently picked up a 4B3 and find there is nothing it is lacking it's sound. Previous amp was a Classe CA-201 that I liked but the Bryston just sounds all around better IMHO. Rest of system is Canton Vento 890.2 DC,  BP25 pre and Teac PD H600 cdp.

You have a nice system there and I recommend you demo a 4b3  if you can.