Low level buzzing coming from tweeters.

I now have a low level buzzing coming out of my tweeters even when i am in mute. It happens even with the amp on and preamp off never had this before.Any suggestions would be great.Thanks in advance.
Wow! I’ve got the same problem. The mute does reduce the volume of the buzz. I did disconnect the preamp, but still a buzz. My monoblocks are each driving only the tweeters. Possibly both amps with the same issue, but this makes me think it might be an electrical problem? I tried unplugging every piece of gear and plugging the amps into different sockets . . . no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Any recent changes to cabling?  How about home electrical (e.g., new switches?) Could (unshielded?) speaker cable be picking up some airborne interference?  

Nothing here. Same set-up. Can’t say when it began. (I was recovering from shoulder surgery, not paying close attention, and couldn’t do anything even if I was more aware.)

I hope I’m not hijacking ebm’s thread. I thought if this is a common problem, we could both benefit. If I am (hijacking), I’ll be happy to bug off. (and sorry)
Got balanced cables as i now have a balanced preamp Purist made my single ended cables balanced buzzing is now gone.I will now used balanced always and use Purist always.Thanks!!!!
Nice to know you solved it, ebm.

Mine is a different problem, probably my amps. Even disconnected interconnects, unplugged everything except amps, turned off all circuit breakers, except those dedicated to amps . . . still buzzing.