Any Spendor sp 1/2 owner or former here ?

...bought a pair of them, new. The rest of the system is a Naim CD5 and a Cary integrated SLI-80 Signature in triode mode almost all the time that shouldn't be more than a year old each. Basic Chord interconnect and bi-wiring. Found two use Sound Anchor stands too, tune to that model they say.
If you will, I'd like to learn from you things like how long in your experience did it take for them to sound their best ('break in period' I think you say in English ?); what did you discover that made them sound better : positioning, room treatment, cables (maybe)... ; how long did you keep them ; or anything you may think of.
For myself I find them already quite involving ; intellectually they are quite satisfying also, as they effortlessly reveal every musical line in anything I fed them but I am more into emotions.
I wish they would sound a bit fuller and hopefully they will ; for the moment they're not the warmest of the world. Although they reveal the athmosphere of the recording they don't bring it my house yet even with eyes closed.

Forgive my limitations in English.
Waiting to share impressions and knowledge with you.

Jean M.
be patient,after 200-300 hours of playing music through them they will warm up substantially and sound much more fuller too.
when new the sound is thin and constipated,very disappointing,but don't despair.
i bought mine about 4 years ago and although i've since acquired dynaudio C4s,i still keep these very musically communicative speakers despite their shortcomings(not the lowest or tightest bass,limited dynamics and better than average imaging but not up there with the best)still a beautiful balance of strengths.try to bring them out 1/3 of the room for best soundstage,enjoy!
Thanks for the answer. I was expecting 100 hours top ; now, that I know that I must set camp for a good month I'll be able to plan the next steps (first room acoustic optimization, then the furniture/positioning of the system, then finding the right cables, if there are any that are worth the expense over other investments. I'll become a member of the audiophile association here in Montreal so I'll have someone to share my passion live.

I moved them around as you suggested and it enhanced the image, the presence of the signer too while also tempering some of the room resonnances. I guess that as long as the walls will remain so reflective in the HF the image can't be extremely precis.

Congrats on the C4. Glad that you can enjoy that level of performance. :) You must have your own adventures in fine tuning that set up yourself...

So thanks again.
Jean – I bought my Spendor 1/2Es used, so I am not qualified to comment on break-in. My speakers are around three years old and I’ve had them for the last year and a half. While I listen to all kinds of music, I think the Spendors are fantastic speakers for vocals and acoustic jazz. I’m sure that I’ll keep them for a long time.

I do not biwire (yet), but I did find the addition of better jumpers made a very noticeable improvement in upper frequency detail. As stated above, they do need some space away from the back wall, if possible. In my room I find that they sound best with a moderate amount of toe-in.

I am confident that once you get your Spendors properly broken-in, you will be very happy!