essence jasper 2ch amp

Hello everyone, I have a chance to buy an Essence Jasper amp designed by Dale Pitcher for 4500 bucks and I cannot find much published information on it, local dealer says it has no grain or mechanical character, tube lovers love it and solid state lovers love it, way better sounding than Mark Levinson, Krell, Classe, Symphonic line,mbl,vtl or any amp he has ever heard and way more powerful than Classe Omicron. power supply is so huge it will keep playing for 2min unplugged and has a frequency response of 1hz to 10mhz and retailed at 20k. I do have Dale Pitchers Intuitive Design Gamma Summits speakers and hes Mosaic interconnects and the sound is breathtaking! and these pieces i would never part with. just wanted to know if anyone has had any experience with these amps? any input would be greatly appreciated.
Jughead I have owned the Gamma Summits for years and they are tough to beat. I have been using a low watt tube amp for years how many watts per channel does Dales amp produce?
Not sure how many watts there's no published specs. I have been told by a local dealer it has taken down 1000 watt amps, im in a 1364sq ft room and it fills it with no prob at low vol levels. i would never sell my amp but... i know a local dealer who has a set essence mono blocks for sale and ive heard them on Dales Danili speakers and they're unreal.