Biggest impact: moving from integrated to separates

I am slowly moving to separates from my Cronus Magnum integrated amp. So far, I’ve upgraded the Phono stage to a Pass Labs XP-15. I’m now looking for the next upgrade. I will need an amp and a line stage preamp. My budget is @ $3K and I am looking for the biggest bang for the buck. Which upgrade should come next? I would like anything I upgrade to have balanced connections (for linestage both ins and outs.)

If the output impedance of the line stage is 10K or less at all audible frequencies, **or** if the output impedance doesn't vary very much over the frequency range even if it does exceed 10K, there won't be an impedance compatibility problem with a 100K load.  It would be very rare for a line stage to not meet the first of those criteria, much less both of them.

-- Al

I know you're looking for separates but consider this integrated.

If you haven't heard one you'll be amazed. A buddy of mine  uses one and you would never know he doesn't have separates. This would also allow you to have some funds left over for other upgrades. Just throwing out possibilities.

My personal experience...
About ten years ago I bought a used Pass X-1 pre-amp. It replaced a Linn Kudos.
The change was transformational!

Soundstage, air, so uncongested....
it was like I'd been listening to music through a megaphone.

So if it was me, I would spend the money on a  line stage...

I’m a big fan of the Mytek Brooklyn. Balanced outs to my Bryston 14B ST. Very good sound and versatile. I run it off an RV battery and it's very quiet.
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