Integrating OPPO 105D in a home theater ?

My Home theater is using Denon X4100 Receiver as Pre-pro with Sunfire Cinema Grand Amplifier (using RCA connectors). Like Denon as it has Room Calibration and am using 4 HDMI inputs for different devices. But Denon doesnt have a Digital Optical Out. 

I also use this to listen to music time to time. I have a OPPO 105D that I would like to use to listen to music since it has a much better DAC. 

Q1 - Can I connect 2 Sources to the Sunfire Amp ? OPPO 105D (using XLR Inputs) for music and Denon (using RCA inputs for all Home theater - Doesn't seem like a good idea so I haven't attempted it yet.

OR Are there better ways to connect OPPO in the setup Such that I can use OPPOs DAC ?

Thanks everyone in advance. 


you're talking about using a device as a "source selector", which your oppo can do.  I'm talking about connecting two analog lines directly to the amplifier input.  The Sunfire Cinema Grand has two RCA inputs and one XLR input FOR EACH CHANNEL.  It allows you to use any of the 3 different inputs to supply a signal.  However, you should never connect more than one analog source to any of the Sunfire input channels.

Given the preferences abhi123 lists, auxinput's 2 seems to be the correct approach if Denon "Pure Direct" by passes processing.  The DSD level of SACDs can't be output through toslink, only analog or HDMI, and HDMI uses the Denon DAC.

Thanks alot for the suggestions here.

Option #2 by auxinput is the right path for me to move forward.

also thanks auxinput for clarifying the 2 sources to one amp question.. didnt sound like the right thing to do.. now I know why.
