My apologies_Upgrade path from Wilson WattPuppy 7's?


I am the naive person who posted about which speaker to buy next, my system is all McIntosh, except for the downloaded high-resolution music content. Since I have price limitations, I have been attempting to audition loudspeakers under $15K, preferably used or demos. In various stores, I have heard the following:
  • Vandersteen Quarto CT's: Great bass, but an active system that does not seem to resolve high mid-range strings like a Wilson;
  • Triton GoldenEar Reference;
  • Sonus Faber Venere S and Olympica's, great sound in the store.
Currently, I am auditioning (in-house) Wilson Yvette speakers (it cost $400 for an in-house demo), and they sound great to me, but they are too expensive, even at a reduced demo price.  I started comparing frequency and impedance curves where I could obtain them (mostly Hi-Fi news from the U.K.), but I am becoming too obsessive about this.

So, I guess I could buy the Wilson Sabrina or Wilson Sasha WP (discontinued Series 1), since I seem to like the Wilson sound. Any advice?

Thanks again - Gerry
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xgerryah930
Yes Grgr4blu, we don’t have any experience with Wilson after outfitting Tommy Boy Records with 5 pairs of WP and a set of Maxxes in the nineties or the set of Wilson 7 that we recently setup for Fixbit last year or that isn’t any recent experience or a few other of our clients that own WP 7’s.

Or the store we visited selling Wilson in Maryland when we were at the Capital Audio Fest, where we heard the Alexia and the Alexandria X2 demoed with all top of the line gear last month, when delivering a set of Personas.

Interesting factoid, the gentleman who purchased the Personas who drove four hours to hear our set up of the Personas played a Steinway and we played the same track on the Personas very close to the real thing, by the way.

You will reply that you have owned many speakers yet you always seem to chime in when another speaker that we recomend is mentioned because we are bad apple trolls as you put it and how can any speaker made by anyone else can not ever be as good as a Wilson? How dare someone chime in and recommend another brand?

The real reason is you like many audiophiles are threatened when someone dares to question your choice.

We just did the New York Audio show with Legacy and you know what one gentleman came up to us and said "he heard all the Wilsons and the Legacy Aeris is a better speaker for a fraction of the money.

Please noitce that the Aeris is one of the top rated speakers in TAS as well as the Personas.

Please explain by what magic is a Wilson anything better than a Legacy Aeris with a Wavelet? The Wavelet provides state of the art room correction and electronically phase and time aligns all frequencies.

Oh I forgot a laser and a Wilson gauge is better then modern audio engineering.

You mistake my point, Wilson is a very good sounding speaker they are considered by many people in these forums to be the holy grail of loudspeakers, they are well built and well engineered and are but one choice in a myriad of good loudspeaker choices.

20 plus years ago I felt that the Watt Puppy was truly an amazing speaker but today they have a huge amount of talented competitors.

Why don’t you recommend that the OP to come to a shop like ours or one in his area and take a listen to some of these products and maybe he can find something that he likes that combines all the traits he is shooting for, the Legacy Aeris combines much of what he is looking for, by the way.

If you read his post you would see that he has a number of issues with everything he is currently demoing from Wilson, these include sound, tonal balance, value for dollar, size and a few other issues.

Yes Grgr4blu, this is getting so old. Let the people find out for themselves that when shopping for any speakers they should look at all the possible alternatives that might work for them and the Legacy Aeris are remarkable speakers for the money actually they are plain remarkable period, and the Personas if you have been reading the forums are slaying many of the competitors.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ.

To All:
Audiotroy is a bad apple troll

Thought there was something not quite right with the first post. Shilling for something came to mind.

Cheers George
George, Try to ignore Audiotroy.. He is always Shilling  and dissing Wilson
Where in Mi are you
Sorry Cap for your always shilling could it be after looking at Gerry's long laundry list of issues with the Wilson's that he has been looking at that someone should offer other advice rather then pounding the same dead cat.

Look at his observations:

  1. Vandersteen Quatro CT's: Tremendously great speakers, especially for rock and jazz - not as good for strings (orchestral) - this could be related to improper placement and setup;
  2. Wilson Yvettes: Great speakers, greater frequency range but less analytical than my WPs. Seem too expensive for what they provide, even at a demo price;
  3. Wilson Audio MAXX3: Spectacular speakers, too much for my room;
  4. Wilson Sasha 1: Actually sound somewhat better for violin, viola, and cello than my WP7's, even if they still contain the $7 tweeter!
  5. Wilson Sabrina: Lack proper reproduction of cello in the low midrange - good speakers, but not for me;
  6. Wilson Audio Alexia 1: Great, but I do not believe in this theory of time domain compensation or whatever it is called. Not as good in my room as either the MAXX3's, Sasha 1's or WP7's;
  7. Wilson Audio Alexia 2: Fantastic. Not as good in my room as either the Sasha 1's or the Yvette.
If you read that does it seem that Gerry is convinced and totally in love with everything that he is hearing?

Cap, way too many audiophiles have the same experience that they are fiercely loyal to a brand and the product that they purchased, instead of looking at this objectively, we all want to love the products we purchased, but with that being said these are all tools, if you find a better one you move  out the old and in with the new and the market is always in flux.

When Wilson started Magico, Radiho, Rockport, Magico and YG as well as many others didn't exist. Wilson and to some extent Focal and then Avalon were the best speakers on the market.

If you noticed we did say the Wilsons sound good and are well constructed. The issue with many Wilson products is there ever increasing upward movement in cost and always coming out with a new model. 

You might actually find that  a disenting voice teaches you way more than another voice that agrees with what you allready like. 

Next time you are at an audio show, and Legacy is showing, listen to the Aeris and then see for yourself. You might be pleasantly surprised.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ