The midrange is the most important driver.

OK, I don't need you to believe the topic name. Just wanted to start a friendly discussion.

Among full-range, multi-way speakers there are usually at least 3 drivers:

  • Tweeter
  • Mid-range
  • Woofer
The most exorbitant prices are usually in the tweeter, followed by the woofer, then the mid. More or less. When I read discussions that are about tech-brands, it's almost always about the tweeter. Off the shelf prices in high-end speakers can vary from $40/ea. to $500/ea. with top of the line Be and AMT. Hard diamond tweeters are even more expensive. And yeah, I've paid a lot for tweets in my mains. Still, I think maybe all of us have been convinced that the tweeter is where we should spend our largest dollars.

Maybe it is the quality of the mid that determines everything else. It is where the vocals are, and how well it integrates and extends up and down the range determines everything else. From what tweeters you may use, to the dynamic range.

What do you think?


In my speakers by far the Voxativ mid - tweeter driver is some what expensive starting at $2500 A  pair.  Their top field coil driver  a staggering $32k a pair.  
Pure Audio Project  Loudspeakers  several choices for mid- tweeter to choose from as well as you put whatever capacitor you choose ,only 1 ,if using the series Xover.
My experience says that the lower mid bass is where most (75-80%) of the music presence is (60Hz-800Hz) and that is the critical part where the driver has to have the least amount of distortion, quick recovery and best tonality. 
You'll be surprised how little a signal the speaker drivers put out from 1Khz upwards. Still important to complete the full spectrum. 
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if its a fullrange its the most important otherwise a loudspeaker is the sum of its parts and design