New Air Tight PC-7 Cartridge...a contender??

Some good press about the new Air Tight PC-7 MC. Has anyone had the opportunity of listening to this cartridge?
I noticed that the manufacturer seems to have gone away from the idea of low internal impedance for this model... ???

No one else have any experience with the Air Tight PC7?
I have still not heard one, but I do have an interest in this cartridge.
Dear @daveyf : A contender?. Well today almost any LOMC cartridge is a real contender, there are not a lot of differences between cartridges and cartridge designs. Same type of coils, cantilevers, stylus shapes or body build materials. Are so similars. yes exist differences but not day and nigth.

Air Tigth are designed and manufactured by My Sonic Labs ( former Entré people. ) that are really good cartridge experts.

Its internal impedance of the PC-7 is 7 ohms still a low one if we think that Benz Micro goes around 18 ohms and are very good too. So don't worry about.

Btw, @jeff1225 , you can get a second hand Shelter 7000. The 901 is not up to today quality permormace levels.

regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
I've heard the 7000, not in the same class of the Air Tight PC-7. For the cost, I don't know of a better MC cartridge that I've heard. 
@jeff1225 : From your first post I think that the issue could be that the PC-7 is a better match to your system and your sound priorities. I respect a lot the work of My Sonic Labs.

My Shelter suggestion was because you posted about the 901 as alternative, that's all well it's not because I listened the 7000 and 9000 and are way better performers that the 901 or 90X I owned.
