Graphene in fuses and cost

Synergistic research is using a  technology thst is finally cost effective in their fuses very little is used and see the pricing       Synergistic with all the hype and Millions of dc Tesla volts 
$150 for s fuse is well over $100+ profit for someone. Hopefully the competition will start using 
In the mean time the Hifi tuning Supreme are a big step up over stock fuses for s fraction of the Synergistic cost. The price should have been no higher ,maybe lower .
But Synergistic is built on Hype and  half truths built up information PT Barnum would be proud  !!
The link prove the cost it has come way down and Graphene prices are dropping  as more
People  are now using Grapine from Semiconductors to capacitors  now fuses and  many other 
Things . Nicola Tesla would be totally pissed off his vision of free electricity now using his Tesla 
Coil as a selling tool .  Be a smart buyer  !!
^^^  Odd.  I've gone through the RED's, the BLACK's and now the BLUE's. Not one failure. Not one. Perhaps its your electronics causing the problem?

Same as me. I have 2 in my tubed monoblocks since last year without any trouble. I also have Beeswax in the pre and very happy with it also
Geoffkait - perhaps your search missed a few threads. Here’s one from Sept. 2011:

"No more calls! We have a WINNER!!!!
And I’ll just ask the guy who I sent them to to post on this thread after he’s had the fuse in about 24 hours. It should show some significant improvements by then unless the fuse (HiFi Tuning is the manufacturer, and it cost around $37.95) is oriented wrong. I’m not sure if only the top level (the "Supreme" model, which is built like the Mundorf, is directional, but I advised him that, if it didn’t sound right to his ears, to turn the fuse (it has an arrow on the body) in the other direction and see if it makes a difference.
Frankly, I’d NEVER go back to the fuse supplied with my equipment. This fuse has made it so easy to differentiate between "fuzziness" that’s on a recording and what may be the equipment ahead of it (I have it in the Hurricane amps, remember). Of course, my First Sound doesn’t have a fuse in it: I called the designer, Emannuel Go, to ask if there was a fuse in the power supply and he replied there wasn’t. (I was disappointed: these days, I want to put fuses in EVERYthing!). So, that eliminates having to open the power supply."

The title of the thread is "Upgrading Fuses." Started August 27, 2011. And that was just the first one I found: there are several others. This was one where I was giving away fuses so others could try them without any financial loss. 
I found it in fewer than 5 minutes.
Reading comprehension glitch alert. I said I only went back as far as 2012. The archives are uh, chronological. There are only so many hours in a day. 😛

I just went back to when I first became aware of fuses. There are more recent ones. And, post 2012, since there are several generations of Synergistic fuses, and I’ve owned every one of them and commented on them. But really, it’s irrelevant. I’m here to share with others, not shame them.

The more important question - to which you would know the answer, as you have had a head start on me with the Blues - is: how long did you find they need to break in? The earlier ones seemed to take quite a while of steady playing. Does that trend continue with the Blue?