Amplifier matching with omega super Alnico Monitors.

Hello everyone:- I've not been here for a while, but I've just bought a pair of Omega super Alnico monitors , so I can have a second system in the house. I was wondering if there was anyone out there with amplifier recommendations. First up they will be run with my line magnetic 518ia. But maybe there are better synergies for a single driver speaker of this type. Any thoughts are welcome. I'd love to hear of others experiences with this or similar speakers and various amplifiers.

Thanks :).
Hi Mark. I always fancied the Frankensteins but I never got the chance to hear them here. I was looking for some 300bs to go with my tannoy westminsters a few years back. I never managed to get any 300bs to work well with the Tannoys. The more current the better was my finding with the tannoys.....It's good to know that the SAMs are worthy of exceptional amplification. The SAMs will be a second system for me, playing in the house during the day. But they will be placed on a credenza (not ideal I know) so a bit more of a minimal system rather than monos.  I'll be using a Mac mini as a music sever into a line magnetic 515cd/dac. Have you ever tried the SAMs with as little as 2 watts ?? I used to own a 45 based set. It was incredible tonally. I'm really going to be playing acoustic, folk, jazz. Nothing too trying. It'll be interesting to get the SAMs into the barn ( when it's finished ) and see how they do in a more purpose built environment with some space around them.

thanks for your reply. :).

Hey Myron, if I was in your shoes, and since this is for a secondary system, you won't need anything more than the Red Dragon. No worries with tubes, heat, or anything else like that, just glorious music. As I mentioned above, the S500 is worthy of being in the main system, and has been my main amp for a year or two until I put the Franks in.

i owned the 2wpc Decware SE84UFO amps two separate times, first for my SAMs, then for my SAM HOs. Great sounding amps, which is why I owned them twice, but I could not live with only 2wpc. Ran out of gas too soon on both, even with simple music, albeit in my big room (25' wide x open, with a vaulted ceiling). The 8 wpc Franks sound much more powerful than they really are, and I am able to use them just fine, but I do have the low bass running to a sub instead of thru the Omegas.

I have not heard any Line Mag amps, so I would be curious on your impressions of the LM with the Omegas. I bet they will be a sweet match!
That's a good point. The S500 would be very maintenance free for all day use. I see they have an ex dem one for 1500 on there website. I've always been very sceptical of digital amplifiers. I've only ever heard some driving b&w 802s. Not my idea of fun. But I guess things have moved on in the last 10 years though. Definitely an interesting way to go. 

A 250 watt amp is major overkill. For solid state consider the First Watt amps. 
@seanheis1 That may be so, but I can tell you that I much preferred the Red Dragon S500 to a First Watt F7 in a direct comparison in my system a few months ago. I owned both together at the same time, and kept the RD. I wanted to F7 to be a keeper, but it did not sync in my system very well. It rolled off the highs and was too soft (less dynamic, less engaging) compared to the S500.

@borg7x9 For all day running, I would never go with a tube amp or a class A ss amp! Class D is perfect for that!