Craigslist transaction went south...

Hope everyone is doing great. I have a situation here and I am hoping you guys can help. 
I have sold a home theater receiver to someone. We met at gas station and everything went fine. It happend on Sep 4th.  Today (Sep 15th)  i got a text from the same guy saying he just installed and the receiver is not working. He is going to take legal action against me. it was working receiver and i never had any problems with it. I don't know what to do now. . I am legal immigrant and working on visa.  Please advise.
Here is my ebay profile:

Be careful about blowing off possible legal action,  an attorneys has been known to take advantage of an individual's lack of legal knowledge to create serious headaches and financial consequences.
That case is highly unusual and in the end, the lawsuit will probably be dismissed for a failure to prove damages. In this case, the buyer threatened legal action, he didn't take any legal action (yet) and probably never will. If the buyer does bring legal action, the OP can always run scared and cave in at that time. Personally if I knew the unit worked perfectly when I sold it, I wouldn't return the buyer his money.
I agree highly unlikely,  but it did happen and notice even if it is dismissed it still cost him over $12000.  My take away point is don't just blow thing off.
As many others have said, just give him his money back and be done with it. The threat of taking legal action is just silly, as he would spend far more money fighting you in court that what his reimbursement would be, so I wouldn't stress over it too much. Just make sure that if you receive a summons to appear in court or any other documents implying a lawsuit, don't make the mistake that the guy in the above story about the printer made and respond immediately so as to avoid being the victim of a professional scam artist like Gersh Zavodnik.