Magico S5 Speaker - owners - heard them!

Guys anyone that has heard these can you please provide some feedback. Would love your thoughts and feedback on these. I'm picking a Preowned pair and wanted some thoughts. What are your impressions - amps that match best - what you have heard them compared to?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
congrats on your purchase!

fwiw I never heard a Krell or Levinson amp that I liked

my two cents
I personally know Alon and they use the German Symphonic line / Odyssey monos for their in house amps. He spoke very highly of the Dart Zeel too, mentioning it too was special and I hear the Burmester amps are stunning on his speakers.
I have Magico S3's and really happy with them, my friend has also s5's, driving them with Krell FBP 700x or cx and using ARC ref40 for pre, and full transparent mm2 XL cables sound is great, i learned that magico's S series are going really down ohms as 1,25 or 2,5 so you have to use a powerful amp. I think no one says that they are something worse for Magico's, if you can do proper setup really they are good speakers!

I think your ear/brain will be going through a very steep leaning curve when transitioning from highly efficient single driver full range speakers to any multi-driver large box speaker. I've only heard a couple of single driver models from Charney - Maestro, Concerto, and their delivery of music was on a different plane. The micro detail was overwhelming. It almost felt like every single note in the music was demanding my attention. I think the idea of keeping what you have until you try the new speakers is very smart.

havent heard the mk1 version of the S5 but have heard plenty of magicos recently. they love big clean solid state power. i just took delivery of a customized amp from odyssey audio which sounds beautiful and delivers steady power and current. Alon actually uses an amp from odyssey (among others) to test his speakers - I read this in TAS and it's worth looking up. The article is about the Khartago (entry level) but I got a customized version of the kismet (top line). One of the best parts of the build and customization process is that Klaus will ask you to measure the voltage for your socket so he can tailor the bias for YOUR power conditions. This makes a big difference for me since I live in an older NYC building with dirty power - I was averaging 124 volts out of the socket. Highly rec you check these amps out!

Disclaimer: I have no business affiliation with Odyssey Audio. Just a really happy customer and Klaus is a real stand up guy.