Full MQA music list.

I keep stumbling on MQA albums that are not listed on the main Tidal MQA Masters list. Examples B.B. King and Aretha Franklin to name two artists. Is there any full listing in Tidal that accounts for all the MQA music??
Totally get your frustration linnlingo. I think JayZ is actually promoting something else more than music per se and much of the "music" is only the vehicle.

Once a week or so, I look at the "New" tab by genre to see what has been added. Jazz is being added at a snails pace and there remains huge gaps in the catalog. "Pop" (or whatever the proper label is) is added at the speed of light. Many of the MQA selections on the "Masters" tab make me wonder why someone would care about the sound quality of that "media" at all. Even MQA can't rescue it. 

Regardless, it makes no sense not to have a tab with a complete library of MQA titles.

"Many of the MQA selections on the "Masters" tab make me wonder why someone would care about the sound quality of that "media" at all."

Great point.  I had to laugh when I saw early albums by the Faces (Rod Stewart, Ron Wood et al) available as MQA.  Don't get me wrong...love the music and SQ can be good on some of these but not thinking these were guys sweating the details.  They were lucky to find the door into the studio on some days.  Does seem a little like silk purse from sow's ear.

I'm in a running email exchange battle with Tidal on the subject of MQA.  Like most, I'm concerned that the entire available MQA list is not available under the "Masters" tab.  When I asked if they were going to fix the issue the help desk response was was "only the engineers know and they are not telling us their plans".  I think all users should contact them and register their complaint.  I will probably keep subscribing until they have a good competitor.  
mr m,

The issue here is the poor job that Tidal itself does at creating a central repository for MQA titles.

Why should paying customers have to resort to a spreadsheet to identify MQA titles, or worse, only find them by happenstance?

The "Masters" section of Tidal as such a central library of MQA titles is a joke. Appears to me that the same despots that select titles to highlight in the "New" (non-mqa) section of Tidal are in charge of the Masters Section as well. At least 50% of the titles added weekly to the Masters section are virtually unlistenable from a sound quality standpoint. As for the musical value of same, well I will just leave it at, "It is not my taste".

There are exceptions of course and infrequently a real gem gets included, but it is a rarity and seems to be getting worse over time, IMO.

We appear to have made a major mistake by inferring that Tidal MQA=audiophile/music aficionado.
