Detroit metro area, Michigan

I sent out a similar message a year or so ago, and a few people responded, so I thought I’d try again. We have an informal club of about 20-30 people from the Detroit metro area that meets every month at various people’s homes and gives everyone the opportunity to listen to a lot of different gear—from DIY to time-to-refinance-the-house expensive. It’s a really cool group of guys, even though I’m not sure if we ever arrived at a proper name. The Southeastern Michigan Audiophile Society seems as good as any. Anyway, we’re always on the hunt for new members—and recently I’ve met a number of Detroit audio nuts who aren't members of any club—so if you’re in the Detroit area and are looking to connect with fellow audiophiles, feel free to respond or drop me an email offline. There are no dues or any type of financial commitment. We’re having a one-year-anniversary party this Saturday at 1:00, if anyone’s interested. Should be a great time!
I know this post was almost a year ago but I thought I'd give it a try.

I'm in the Belleville area and have been looking for a audiophile society in the Detroit metro area that I can share this excitng hobby with.

If your group still meets, I'd love to join. Please let me know!
I just noticed this post, while wondering if there was such a group that loved listening and sharing, and thought I'd ask. I Iive in Redford, with wide open tastes, thanks in no small part to discovering 101.9 WDET FM in 1985 (after moving back here) and diving deep.  Thanks,Dave 
I just stumbled across this post and am interested to find out if there's still a group? I would love to join and even be included on the list of homes that can host events. 

@dbarnabo @gearheadmac You might try:

I don't know if this is the fledgling club from the original post (it very well could be, given the date), but the Southeast Michigan Audio Club has been going strong for over a decade now with monthly meets.  With my rough schedule, I haven't been able to make it to one of the monthly meets, but have met a few members in person (including meeting at this year's AXPONA).  It is a relaxed "no attitude" group of members, gathering for music, talk and food.  We keep in touch via Google Groups:!forum/michiganaudioclub/join