What are the top 3 USB cables being used today in reference systems?

I am looking for a highly rated USB cable that stands head and shoulders above the rest. Is there such a cable?
Nordost Valhalla, Transparent Cables and a few others who are charging 1000s of dollars for a USB Cable have their marketing strategy working on most audiophiles. Like the previous poster just said if you need to spend this sort of money on a USB Cable something is seriously wrong with your DAC, Setup and your brain.

Where does a Shunyata Venom fall in with these higher end cables? I'm thinking of going with one with my LS50 Wireless and MacBook Air.
I'm a fan of Black Cat Silverstar digital cables. I have two of their 75 Ohm SPDIF cables and recently purchased the Silverstar USB.  Neither are outrageously priced, under $300 but you'll be hard pressed to find any at a discount.  I suppose many people like me find them a very high performer and hang onto them. 

I own the Venom USB cable and am very happy with the sound quality when used to stream Tidal from my laptop to my Hegel HD-12 DAC. One of the attributes of the Venom USB cable that I found noteworthy was the extra isolation of the power wire from the signal wire.

I haven’t compared it with ultra-high $$ USB cables, but suspect it to be a high price-to-performance value, along with the Hegel HD-12 DAC.

Thanks dlcockrum,

I just picked one up for a great deal so I'm hoping it will help get the most out of my modest setup.  I'm considereing an AQ Jitterbug too but am not sold on that idea yet.