McIntosh MX 130 as a 2 channe preamp tuner

I am thinking of building up a second system for my office and I have looked around at used equipment. The MX 130 looks like a pretty good value as just a stereo tuner/preamp. Stereophile B with a 7083 tuner to boot. Any thoughts or opinions on this?

I have an Adcom GTP-500 II. I have always dreamed of a McIntosh MX 130, get one for me please.
I owned a 130 and liked it, but it is not one of Mac's top tuners. It's not bad by any means but if you have a station with IBOC noise caused by HD radio this tuner does not handle it well. If your favorite stations don't have HD broadcasts you should be fine. That said, the 130 is wonderfully convenient and flexible. As a "video control center" it is obsolete so it is a bargain as a tuner/preamp. I am a tuner nut and I upgraded but most folks would be happy with an MX 130.
price wise, i went with the mx132 with the tuner module. i bought it from audio classics. i was looking for a pre-amp tuner that would match my mc602. most of these were the older models. so i settled for the home theater unit.