Your Nominations: Top Phono Stages under $1,000

Replacing a Pro-Ject Tube Box ll...New table and cart: VPI Scout 1.1 with Ortofon 2M Black. Can I make a significant improvement and spend less then $1K?
By all accounts a used Sutherland, Tom Evans Microgroove would be worthy of your consideration. There's also the EAR 834p that depending on the version/vintage will sell below your maximum.
Own two iFi iPhono II's - versatility of loading via ( small) switches and the quietest phono stage I've ever had in my home. Own 2 Lounge Audio LCR III and oneĀ  Copla MC stage. In the last couple of months the Lounge Audio stuff has sorta landed and stayed - there's nothing "tube like" about the LCR - but great imaging both laterally and in terms of depth plus a simply beguiling easeĀ  or flow to what comes thru these very inexpensive phono pre-amps. It's also really nice that they will build you a LCR with a 100kOhm input and lower capacitance (47pF in my case) at the cost of only having to wait a couple of extra days for the unit to ship.