Jeff Rowland to what?

I currently own a Jeff Rowland 625 S2 amplifier. I'm curious as to what amplifiers I should listen to below 20K, new or used. I'm not unhappy, but I'm curious. The amp will be driving Monitor Audio PL500 II's. The preamp is a Jeff Rowland Corus.


I had Audio Research years ago. The reason I'm staying away from tubes is because my amplifier is dual purpose. I use it for my 2-channel and to drive my fronts in my 5.1 surround sound system when watching television and movies. I don't think it's practical to use a tube amplifier.
" sfall,
I love the Rowland sound. I’m just curious if there is something out there that will improve on what I have. Yes, I like a non-fatiguing, laid back sound that still provides detail. "

I think you are wasting your time if you are looking for something better.
Different yes, but not probably not much better than Jeff's S2 series. Unless you go to mega bucks amplifiers like the Big Dartzeels or Gryphons.

I truly don't think you'll exceed the the Rowland unless maybe an Agostino S250 would offer something you might prefer. Beyond that you'll need to look towards some of the European boutique brands at great expense. Jeff personally is involved with each single unit built which is to the highest standard I'm aware of with respect to US audio companies. You have the best current thinking of an audio icon. I would never let that piece go for anything less than Agostino or higher(if possible). You're in thin air already. Congrats on what you have now.
FWIW I don't own JRDG products or have any motive here other than to provide an opinion. I did own a 625 and regret selling it. 


Thanks for your response. You may be correct, but sometimes it takes listening to other components to have an appreciation for what you already own.