Ground Hum with Rega RP6, Exact and TT PSU.


Just purchased a Rega RP6, Exact, TTPSU and I am getting a HELL of a hum. I am using an Aragon 47K Phone pre amp. I unplugged the wall wart and the cable which goes from the table and it is still there. I seems to get worse when I turn it on and the tonearm gets close to the center of the arm spindle and it picks up a lot of motor noise. Just sold a 28 year old Linn Axis with a Signet Cartridge and never had this issue with just the normal hiss associated as you turn up the volume. It's not noticeable a lower volumes but it is there during quiet passages and it is extremely annoying. The table sounds way better but the noise is very intrusive and honestly I am disappointed after dropping almost $2000. Thanks in advance

+1 @perazzi28I

I have used ground lifting in the past as well, to help identify ground loops.

Rega's design concepts baffle me.

No grounding

No VTA adjustment

No Azimuth adjustment

etc.. etc......

Can anyone shine any light on their reasoning behind any of this?

Thanks Bruce. Interesting info regarding the shielding around the motor. 
lwall22. Interesting comment in regards to the tiny ground wire around the tonearm. I may do the Incognito upgrade which uses a dedicated ground wire. H Rega; your tables sounds great, but you should fix this issue. 
check the wiring of the cartridge. My RP6 with exact came from the factory with two of the cartridge wires in the wrong place. 
Iwal22 I'm out of town right now but when I get back I'm going to check the ground. Can you see this easily or is it hidden? I've had my tone arm off don't remember seeing this ground.