New Mcintosh C-22

At the place of purchasing a new C-22. Will be first Mcintosh piece and wondering what owners of this piece have experienced? Realize that numerous factors come into affect, cables, speakers, amplifiers, but thoughts and experiences would be appreciated, Thanks.
I had a McIntosh C2300 and now a C1100. I really like the retro looks of the C22. Paired with a MC275 or MC75 you would have a very modern system that truly looks retro.
I appreciate all the feedback, opinions and experiences of what everyone has shared. Many Thanks. 
If it matters to you, I believe that Mac has discontinued the C22.  But double check on that with Mac.
Yes, they have been discontinued. My Local Dealer has one left Factory Sealed New in Box. They also said that McIntosh will likely re-release this again in the future, 5-7 years.
I just purchased a new C22 from a dealer who ordered from Mac. You may be confused with the Anniversary reissue of which only a set limit was made. A call to Mac may straighten this out...