Speaker recommendation for married couple

I am the guy who opened the thread "Harbeth Love". Unfortunately, wife didn't like them at all. She listened to ATC, nope. Spendor? Nope. I do trust her ears too but we need speakers that we both like. I remember her liking this Sonus Faber speakers (can't recall the model but I know newer Fabers). She also likes KEF LS50 which I find good but not outstanding. Any help for this married couple?:)
I like Audiogon forums; it’s a great forum where fellow enthusiasts can talk and share there experience and seek the insights of others with the same passion. And although I show a limited post count and limited member lifespan, I’ve been around here for about a decade (had to change my account since it was tied to my prior work email.)

So anyway - Since when did the forums here become a place where dealers could blatantly (or even more subtly) shill for their businesses?

Glad to see that AT’s post from a prior thread was deleted (perhaps he did that on his own out of good taste and/or self-awareness, perhaps it was the moderators, who knows) but I will say - All the passion and knowledge in the world can still leave a bad taste in someone’s mouth in an open forum like this where it’s obvious that it’s from a dealer pushing their business this hard.

AT has not necessarily made bad points or necessarily given bad advice, but the ulterior motives as of late have really been difficult to overlook, at least for me. Perhaps he’s a good guy In person but ....

Sorry for the rant guys and perhaps I should have directed this privately to the AG team instead but I’m not sure that all members and readers here are fully aware.


EDIT - In full disclosure I'll admit I haven't read the site policies pertaining to dealers so perhaps AT is well within AG's allowances for dealers and/ or product promotion.
I personally don't have a problem with dealers posting here as long as their input is objectively their opinion or experience. The dealers generally have a much broader exposure to different brands and models so it would be counterintuitive to not solicit input from folks who can contribute most, at least in theory.
My wife loved my old Martin Logan reQuests, with their full body and pleasing detail, yet not overly sibilant sound.  That is, until we put in hardwood floors at our former home.  They simply were too big for the room.  

When I bought a pair of used Von Schweikert VR-5 HSE speakers, she loved the lifelike detail, looks and smaller size.  Personally, I loved the transparency, detail and midrange much better than the reQuests, but the lack of lower end troubled me.  In all fairness, I was using a passive preamp and when I had a LampizatOr Amber DAC with boosted gain, I felt that lower end jump a bit.  However, when I upgraded to the LampizatOr Lite 7 DAC, the lower end was problematic until I purchased a Hsu Research ULS-15 Mk II subwoofer.  Problem solved!  In our room, it really shines on all sorts of music.  From what I recently saw, there is a pair for sale right now.  


Again I will say Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grands. Why???? Because they are in the same family sound wise as SF. They cost a whole lot less used generally than SF. IMO you pay for the finish and looks for SF speakers big time. 

The Mozart Grands also have deep bass for a small floor standers. They are able to completely disappear. They are also 4ohm so a 70 watt amp that doubles is plenty enough power so you don't need to go crazy. They are in you price range used. The finish is better than most speakers in the price range. 

If looks are not an issue (not that they really look bad just not a show stopper) I would go also look at Golden Ear speakers. The ribbon tweeter are very musical and never sharp. Plus you get more bass than you would expect because of powered subs in the speakers. Also you can adjust the bass level allowing you to tone down bass in a smaller room.