Wife trouble

Bought Def. Tech. 8040 Towers for living room for my first dive into audio world.  Because I love music, I really enjoy the sound over TV. My wife fell in love with a huge console that spans the length of LR wall and so towers will not work. 8040's are bipolar and need space to breath. What to do?
It was a horrible bachelorhood. Kept trying to prove my manhood by dating lots of women...Did a lot of damage and used people. Wish I would have done things differently.  Not all bad though, there were good times but none of it compares with your baby boy sleeping on your chest, teaching your daughter how to catch a softball and changing a spare tire with your wife in record time (10 min.)...call me old fashioned. Btw, I how in the heck do you manually set up the eq on Yamaha receiver?  It's got this weird band, frequency stuff. My center is too low. 
Maybe you can make some tall, DIY acoustic panels like mine, but pull them out when you want to do some listening, pull the speakers out and lean the panels against the entertainment system.  Then when you're done, put the panels away.  That, or mount acoustic panels on stands (DJ or other).  You can also buy ready made acoustic panels with stands. 

You can view my panels in the Virtual Systems page by doing a search under Green Mill North.  My system pops up.  Good luck!
Here's a link to my system:


You can send me a message if you want to know how I made the panels.  


@escritorjuan that's a great looking room. The panels look good! I don't know how much they'll help the OP, as his wife has her sights set on an entertainment center that spans the whole front wall. From what I understand, it's like a credenza or sidebar.