Wife trouble

Bought Def. Tech. 8040 Towers for living room for my first dive into audio world.  Because I love music, I really enjoy the sound over TV. My wife fell in love with a huge console that spans the length of LR wall and so towers will not work. 8040's are bipolar and need space to breath. What to do?

Showing 6 responses by mca7944

All great ideas. I'm going to see how they sound once they get pushed into a corner. If sound is at least equal I'll stick with them if not, i like what Randy said..."bowers & Wilkins book shelf speakers should work honey".  
Truth is ive only been married three years and I was single way too long. Got Married at 41, married a woman with a five year old girl (at the time) and had to make some big changes. Don't regret it at all. Worst day married is better than my best day as a bachelor.  It's tough because I really believe that two become one when married so I really don't subscribe to the separate accounts, (Facebook or bank). Creates distance. But I love these posts. Really do. Tough being an audiophile!  
Man, guys in this post are so incredibly audio savvy. I'm not that good (yet). But I love the kiss approach to audio. I don't have a basement or a man cave so all I have to work with is my living room.  My wife mentioned going to the furniture store to go get that #*%! console but that's cool. I can say I had my starter set and might even upgrade by going smaller like joshelston said. Who knows, Might actually put my def tech.'s on Audiogon soon. Probably better anyway, my five month old is a terror on his walker so don't think towers would last too long anyway. It's kinda fun thinking about how you can change/upgrade (when $ allows for it). I guess it's like they say...it's never a destination it's about the journey. 
It was a horrible bachelorhood. Kept trying to prove my manhood by dating lots of women...Did a lot of damage and used people. Wish I would have done things differently.  Not all bad though, there were good times but none of it compares with your baby boy sleeping on your chest, teaching your daughter how to catch a softball and changing a spare tire with your wife in record time (10 min.)...call me old fashioned. Btw, I how in the heck do you manually set up the eq on Yamaha receiver?  It's got this weird band, frequency stuff. My center is too low. 
I think I'm going to go with ceiling speakers.  Don't know what you all think about that. Center channel and six ceiling speakers scattered throughout living and dining room. Sub woofer also of course. Can that set up sound good considering no towers?