Recommend a budget floor standing speaker less than $1,000

Looking for suggestions for a floor standing speaker that blows you away with it's value.  
Fire away!
Without knowing you room/system etc I would suggest looking for used speakers in that price range. If your dead set on buying new check out Tekton.

There is a pair of Proac response 2.5 on another site that is just a hair over your budget with a very small blemish, I would strongly consider those as well as the Triangle Celius 202 listed on the same site.

Just noticed that you already floated a prior near identical ballon first re: bookshelves instead of floor-standers . Because each brand has its own bespoke sonic signature , Brand X floorstander model versus standmount in a comparable price range strata is the same. 

At your indicated pricepoint of a G-note, there will be minimal to nil sonic differences nor improvement of floor-standers over standmounts.

looks like you already have 90+ % of available info already - now it is a simple case of actually auditioning and choosing.

I stringy doubt that you will glean any further meaningful info in your quest to OZ ...its already distilled down to a a you-alone decision criteria level now.
Just noticed that you already floated a prior near identical ballon first re: bookshelves instead of floor-standers .
Yep, a post that generated 3 plus pages without the OP committing to anything.

So my advice to him in this thread, will be exactly the same as I gave him in his last...
Understand your amps capabilities and how they relate to the two key specs of a speaker - impedance and sensitivity. Then make up a short list of models that are within your budget and go out and audition them.

For those of you who will give him recommendations anyway, his amp is a vintage NAD 3020.