Dac: Does anyhting beat the Schiit Gungnir Multibit (Gumby) in the same price range?

Schitt Gungnir Multibit (Gumby): Does anything beat it in the same price range?
Full disclosure: for the last 10 yrs, all of my listening has happened on my desktop audio system, which I 've consistently upgraded. The powered speakers are next to be upgraded (Swan M200 MKIIs). They're quite pleasant, but not a top-level, audiophile design.

Regarding DACs: my 2nd DAC was the very good, inexpensive Peachtree Audio DAC iTx (I'm in agreement w/Vdotman about this unit). Still, I was restless w/"digital" aspects of sound on my system even w/this DAC. I got interested in R2R DACs. That led me to non-oversampling (NOS) DACs.

A Chinese company named Audio GD offers very well regarded R2R DACs (ie, DAC 19) and an NOS DAC, the NOS 19. Last summer I purchased the NOS 19. It proved to be a major detour in--and a major refinement of--my entire relationship w/digital audio.

What does it sound like? Well, digital "glare" is utterly gone. Transients aren't highlighted in the least. All the detail is there, but it sounds natural/organic. All the frequencies are there. I don't find the treble rolled off, for example...it scales up suitably w/a recording known to be bright). The midrange is just about perfect. And the bass has a very pleasing, rounded quality. I have a good sub and hear all the bass: it sounds very good.

I've gotten several high-quality headphone amp/preamps (Audio GD SA-31SE; Violectric V281). On headphones (multiple types), each sounds extremely good, albeit in very different ways. When I listen via speakers + sub, I hear all those differences, just larger. So I think the DAC is "telling the truth" in my system.

The NOS 19 is so good that I stopped thinking about DACs--no  upgrade fever. I don't even think of the DAC day-to-day. It just does what it does, and music sounds better for it.
I don't have a wide variety of DAC experience, esp. on the upper end. I use an Emotiva Sealth on the main system (as it has balanced outs plus a remote) and a Schiit Bifrost in the den. I recently upgraded the Schiit to the 4490 board - an easy install - and was hugely impressed by the physical quality of the boards, case, etc. It is built like a ruddy tank! Can't equate that to actual performance but if they put half the care into their designs as they do into construction, count me a customer.

Someone in HF promised to compare The Audio GD DAC 19 to Ares so chances are that there will be some info soon. Audio GD is supposed to be very good also but if we check spec the R2R ladder resistors in audio GD are 0,1% precision (DA M1 modules) but Ares has 0.01% resistors and the top Denafrips models even use 0,005% resistor ladders.

I owned the Chord Qute EX and found it's performance to be excellent. The Chord 2Qute is the upgraded model.
The reproduction of music was so realistic and open and did very well in revealing micro-dynamics. The only flaw was the lack of low-end extension (Chord Qute EX), but this was due to the use of a SMPS wall-wart. The 2Qute also uses this power supply, so I would imagine that it has the same problem.
The Chord gains the bass extension and more weight to the music with the addition of a linear power supply.

The Gumby has a wider soundstage and may have better extension at both ends, but to me, does not sound as organic as the Chord.