What is best tweeter height for the Devore O/96?

On the Devore Orangutan O/96 with the supplied stands from Devore Fidelity, the tweeter height is approximately 31.5 inches from the floor.  By comparison the tweeter height on the Devore Gibbon X is much higher at approximately 36 inches from the floor.  As a general rule, I always thought that it was more ideal to have tweeter height at approximately 36 inches, with the goal of having the tweeter at or near ear level, while in a seated listening position.  Why does the O/96 have such a low tweeter height?  What would be the effect of raising the O/96 to elevate the tweeter height to ear level?  John Devore could have made these stands any height he wanted for optimal sound, so why have the tweeter height so low?  Thanks for your comments.
Back to First Watt and DeVore pairings: I have the F7 driving Gibbon Super 8s ($2k used these days), great imaging and soundstage, excellent tonality. The speakers are tilted back and footers fully extended, they may still be a little low but I prefer not to put them on my mapleshade bases which would add another 6". I use Jim Smith's (get better sound book) recommendation and the distance betweeen the speakers is about 80% of the distance of each to my listening position. 

An interesting question --- with an incredibly simple answer. "Dialing in" the final placement of each individual pair of speakers--by ear-- is the only valid answer. This tried and true method allows for the accommodation of all the inevitable minor differences in crossover,dispersion,beaming and lobing from even highly matched pairs. Create a way of adjusting height,roe in and angle and spend time listening to some well recorded music,I'd suggest solo instruments to start. This is an invaluable exercise which we lead you greater musical enjoyment --and appreciation of the value of the painstaking precision some of our leading high end manufacturers strive for. You don't need a "good luck" wish; just do the work and reap the rewards. If you know a woman who would be a listener with you give it a try.

I'm another who is disappointed by sunnyjim's posts. Two observations I made after listening to a range of 'tube -friendly' speakers, at different price points, over a 2 year period... (i) you generally get what you pay for (ii) the law of diminishing returns kicks in - so if a 'bit of edginess' doesn't worry you, enjoy, save your money and buy some music.

Bayreuth - you asked early on in this thread about the tweeter positioning in the Audio Note ANE's. I have listened to both the AN's and the Devore O96's, but not at the same time and not in exactly the same system. It needs to be remembered that the AN's load a room in a very different way to the O96's, and they sounded quite different to my ear. I found that the O96's needed far more room to breathe. However, the need to tweak tweeter height was not a noticeable issue with either speaker in my room.   Can you tell me what differences you noticed between the Pass J2 and the XA30.8 with your O96's?

Not to go off topic but this is fun. Speaker talk is almost religious in this forum. Let’s face it guys, at the end of the day, it’s all about our taste. I’ve listen to the O96s for a good few hours with Shindo tubes. Excellent sound...I may have purchased a pair if I was living in a open space loft, but in my house in my living room it would never work. Add the other hardware I invested, for me the Vandy Treo CT was a much better choice. I do understand where @sunnyjim is coming from. John Devore didn’t design anything new here, he took an old idea and made it much better, which has its own merit and value but is also selling it at (what some would see as) a much much higher price. A friend of mine who does woodwork as a hobby recently built a Devore/Snell design like speaker, mimicking the Devore’s enclosure using the top of the line Seas components.... playing around with different crossover designs and for less than 1/3 of the price he built something that sounds pretty awesome. Is it as good as a the O96s? I don’t think so but does it get within that range yes. Did we include the cost of his labor and time for testing and tweaking...no. Although, the material cost was low, his time and effort was very high (it took him on and off 6 months). Did he save money, probably not. My point is, if it’s worth it to you then it’s worth it. All I know is that I can’t make a O96 or clone for that kind of money even if my life depended on it. :)
Well put, nycjlee. Many ways to look at these things, worth is in the hands of the buyer etc.