Tekton Double Impacts

Anybody out there heard these??

I have dedicated audio room 14.5x20.5x9 ft.  Currently have Marantz Reference CD/Intergrated paired to Magnepan 1.7's with REL T-7 subs.  For the vast majority of music I love this system.  The only nit pick is that it is lacking/limited in covering say below 35 hz or so.  For the first time actually buzzed the panel with an organ sacd. Bummer.  Thought of upgrading subs to rythmicks but then I will need to high pass the 1.7's.  Really don't want to deal with that approach.

Enter the Double Impacts.  Many interesting things here.  Would certainly have a different set of strengths here.  Dynamics, claimed bottom octave coverage in one package, suspect a good match to current electronics.

I've read all the threads here so we do not need to rehash that.  Just wondering if others out there have FIRST HAND experience with these or other Tekton speakers

Thanks mac, I see it is quite a jump for the PMDs.  It does not appear they are powered.
Glad to hear you're liking the DI's as much as I am mofojo. Getting the wife's approval is huge! We will need to start a motor city DI club! The thread size is 1/4-20. I'm using the Mapleshade Heavyfeet carpet spikes and they not only couple the speakers to the basement floor well but are very stable, lift the speakers off the floor about an inch and look good.....the wife will like that! 

Quite a jump indeed jetter. As good as the DI's sound I can't imagine the PMD's warranting such prices......but who knows, maybe they are that much better.
Initial Review of the Double Impacts with upgrade package.

To recap, my dedicated audio room in 21x14.5x9. Electronics are Marantz Reference SACD/Integrated. Furman conditoner. Supra interconnects and cables. Front wall diffusers, rear wall rock wool absorbers.
In a nutshell, these speakers did not disappoint! My prior reference, Magnepan 1.7's and dual REL T-7 subs I really loved save for a few short comings. But I was unprepared to hear everything I was missing.....

---the tonal balance and voicing of this speaker is spot on. I have never tolerated a speaker that is bright or has any edge. Even driven hard, you will have none of that with the DI's. Strings are silky smooth. Now here's the rub. Combining smoothness and gobs of detail is never easy--but you get both with the DI's. Strings and the piano are my acid test, and they are gorgeous on this speaker.
---with complex music, I am floored with how much detail is there! In a recording of Telemann concertos, the plucked string of the harpsichord never gets buried by rest of the ensemble. The leading edge of a note and harmonics are all heard, all while the rest of the orchestra is treated equally well. And what a great sense of the venue is portrayed. The size of the hall is evident. In larger spaces, the notes decay goes on and on. Gotta love it! My 1.7's I thought were good in these regards, but the DI's took it to a whole different level. My wife, who rarely will pay a visit to the man cave, did not want to leave as we listened to the Hamilton soundtrack. She saw the production in Chicago and said this was better from an audio standpoint! Never one to like loud music, she asked if we could turn it up a bit. Who took my wife and where did she go? The different voices of the chorus were distinct. Again, such smoothness and detail. WOW. This CD also highlighted the quality of the bass--tight and well extended, even with my speakers over 6 ft from the front wall. (Speakers are one third from the front wall, seat two thirds, equilateral triangle arrangement.)
---dynamics are well documented. I feel my amp is just loafing. 1.7's lack this live quality that the DI's deliver beautifully. Speaking on amps, I just love how this equipment works together. While I have an EKCO tube amp, I have no desire to change a thing.
---soundstaging and imaging will break a deal for me quicker than most anything. A soundstage three feet tall need not apply. Same goes for tiny pianos . Thankfully, despite generous dimensions, the DI's float a big stage. The orchestra is UP on the stage, not down in the pit. The sound has great depth, width, and height. Instruments sound of the correct dimension. Soloists can be dead center when called for with no loss of center fill. Also several CD's demonstrated nice lateral extension beyond the far edge of the speaker. Cool.

So are there any down sides?

---I did ask Eric when I placed the order to make sure the woofers were color matched. (some one posted a gripe about this) Despite the request, my woofers came in two shades. Arggggh.
---the cabinets are plain. But at least the paint was of very good quality. No defects. But you know, it was good to know where your money was going. Like 7 tweeter per side. (this has A LOT to do with the remarkable qualities of this speaker). And hey, if you want a fancy cabinet, then just order it!
---the bass quality is great but won't take you down to a solid 20Hz. (Maybe if you put them in the corners and didn't give a hoot about your soundstage) So for you organ buffs who need to reproduce the big pipes, a subwoofer still would have a place here.

So obviously, these are here to stay. A tremendous value. I love 'em.
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