Know of a "Dirt Cheap" tweak?

I am looking for tweaks to improve the overall sound quality of my audio system. I recently purchased some TPC contact cleaner and it made a believer out of me. I noticed a signicant improvement, as if a veil was lifted my system sounded more clear and transparent. Bass got tighter too. Do you know of any cheap tweaks that have made a SIGNIFICANT improvement to the sound quality of your Hifi system...let us know... :-) Comments welcomed!
Now, if you opt to do ALL of the above.....

Cups, tile, bricks, sandbags, BB's, metal plates, floor braces, et all...

Your gear will resemble a construction site that needs 'tidying up', and edging towards my 'steampunk' speakers' in general appearance.

Please post pictures....curious minds need a good laugh. ;)

Simply being direct and to the point. You stated, " ... you’re only guessing if you don’t use a SPL meter." Do you mean that Frank Tchang was only guessing? But then you stated, "It [Franck's diagram] will get you around 50% of my SPL meter method." If so, nice to hear Franck made some good guesses and that your method is twice as good as Franck's guess work.


My room is indeed untidy -- but the sound is good.
"...and don't smoke dope, burn your hair..."

Don't have none to spare...;)

Nutmeg....*sheesh*   Banana peels, bath salts, salvia...pretty soon...

"Hey, if you eat the inner lining of *so & so's* speaker cables, you'll think you're sitting front 'n center, 6th row orchestra....but wear Depends..."

"Oh....'scuse me..." *sound of running feet, fading into the distance...*

Don't mind me....just kibitzing...keep those tweaks comin'.  I just gotta go get bricked and cupped and all those other things...most interesting thing to watch other than binge-watching @Midnight....;)