Duelund DCA16GA

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone have try this cable? I have never try the original WE cable but I want to buy this cable for my speaker. Other candidate is supra cable.

Can someone give some feedback?

mac48025 & mitch2,

In case of speaker cables,
I agree with doubling runs (although I have a 12w SET 300B )

The best Belden ever produced is 1800F
You can try it with:
or :
or :
(in order to avoid soldering)

I think it is very important to not abuse the pF value of an IC by adding more conductors.

The 1800F is a pre-made cable ready for use, has the lowest capacitance, it is shielded, and so ridiculously cheap, that invite you to end them with the best available plugs. Cheap to the point that makes the DIY experiment pointless, with cotton, silk, beeswax and all the hard work. I’ve spend for the best RCA plug instead and worth it.
I have made ICs with Belden 1800F using :
KLEI absolute harmony,
WBT nextgen 0110cu,
WBT nextgen 0102ag & 0110ag
and all these bested everything upstream audio $$$$

We all have witnessed system compatibility. Interconnects particularly have strong favors. My last commercially available was the VDH "The mountain" paired with "The cloud" speaker cable and while it was a revelation on most systems, on flea watt SET were a big disaster .

And here comes the interest point of concern, the one that makes me very suspicious about the high-end society of ICs & SCs :
How is it possible this Belden 1800F to permanently performs no matter the components character situation, in between anything, in every system of any origin ?
This attitude has also the Duelund DCA-16GA as (naked) speaker cable.

I don’t claim these are the best-ever wires but at least they are studio quality and you can use them in order to address any unwanted behavior of your system.
Then you can proceed to taylor the sound by changing things to the right direction.

Best to you
geoch, the Belden 1800F does indeed look like a good cable. The "Foam High Density Polyethylene" is one of my preferred dielectrics and IMO better sounding than Teflon, which I sometimes hear as a shrill artifact. Also the thicker foamed material provides increased and consistent separation between the conductors, which is a good thing for interconnects. I am not surprised this cable is a consistently strong performer.
BTW, my comment on increasing runs of the WE wire was for speaker cables only. The quad, cross-connected geometry reduces inductance.  My multi-run ICs are a different animal since those wires are machine-braided. Since my system is all balanced, I do not use RCA connectors anywhere and my preference is for the Furutech 601/602(G) connectors.

brownsfan or anyone, I would be interested in the Duelund 12ga wire.  Is anyone fairly certain it is actually being developed and does anyone have any idea when it may be released?


I'm curious about the 12ga innards.
Seems that the golden rule is 0.25mm strands.
I have done many projects and this is my preference.
The Duelund DCA-16GA has 26x0.25mm strands.
If so, then why not just double run it?
Thanks geoch,

I'll give the Belden 1800F's a try. At their price how can I not do so? I'm using a Decware Torii mk IV tube amp which is a great amp but I hope to get the Coincident Frankenstein.....an 8 watt SET amp, might that be what you're using? The original WE wire was manufactured back in the glory days of tubes so mayb thats why this type of wire seems to work well with them. I'd be interested in hearing from those with SS amps using it.