is the Audiogon auction clock accurate?

I made a few bids on an item and with 2 minutes 45 seconds left on the clock the auction was suddenly over although my computer clock seemed to match. I suspect the member pulled the listing because it would have been a very good deal but since I’m new here I’m not familiar with how the locals roll. (On Ebay the action is usually all in the last five minutes). Is that behaviour allowed on Audiogon or would you suspect a technical issue?
Thanks from a Noob
Your experience should be noted by sellers on an auction as well as the bidders, if I was using the auction to sell a piece of gear I would certainly want the high bidder to win the auction.

The high bidder did ostensibly win the auction. it just wasn’t me. Fail for the seller: s/he would have gotten a higher price if the system had worked ( I was pretty determined to get this piece of gear). Fail for the buyer: If I don’t know when the gavel comes down, who the winner is, or how much was paid, it’s more of a carny game than an auction. That said, I’m not hating on Audiogon. I didn’t get ripped-off or lose any money. I’m just a newbie who asked for a reality check from current members, which I received- one member who concedes the system is sub-optimal but it worked in his favor, ( and it honestly might have worked in mine if i had handled my bidding differently) and one who has washed his hands of it. I appreciate them taking time to share their experiences Maybe I’m an outlier, but as a first-time experience it has left a bad impression. But now that I "know the deal" I can draw my own conclusions and act accordingly.
But yes, it’s a disservice to both buyers and sellers.
Sorry to hear about your problems with the site. There were a few rough edges I had to work around when I first started bidding on auctions. Now, everything works perfectly for me. I'm glad you found a solution to the problem as well.