Is OPPO losing it's way?

Their new 'upgrade' Sonica DAC is using the new ESS ES9038PRO Sabre Dac; while the new
UHD player UDP-203 uses the new AKM (4458). What gives? Why not just use the best for both-especially with the promise of UHD?
I use the 103D with a M51 DAC and it's a kilier combo.  It's worth noting that I use the stereo analog outs for casual listening, mostly to take advantage of the remote volume...the M51 has volume control but I love the OPPO app on my tablet.   It sounds pretty good,  no comparison to a serious DAC but that's why the 105 exists.  I was looking for a universal transport that could stream Netflix and Pandora and for $600 it was a no brainer......awesome machine for three money
I second oddiofyl.  The 103 is best with an external dac and makes a great streamer. If you like Pandora on the 103, give Tidal a try.  
What about inexpensive mods to an Oppo 93? Would a DAC like a Schitt Modi 2 help? Any other mods?
I don't know about the Oppo Sonica.  It uses a switching power supply and from my own experiments that is a big no-no in analog stages.  I have also tried iFi audiophile power adapters that uses noise cancelling technology and my $40 linear power supply decimated it.  I measured the noise on a Tektronix 150Mhz analog scope and the switching supply had more noise although both were quite low and I was getting to the limits of my scope.