Synergistic Research Powercell 12UEF

I've just taken delivery of a pair of these latest models from SR and as one of the early customers and given the interest in SR graphene technology I thought I would share some first impressions. The 12UEFs (the glass top model) replace a pair of 10UEFs in my system. One powers the sources (phono, preamp, turntable and my 4 part DCS stack) while the other powers my two monoblocks. I had been very pleased with the 10UEFs and have several years experience with them finding that they did a good job of getting out of the way and letting each component perform.

Anyway after a day or so of listening (so given past SR black experience expect more burn in) I am surprised to relate that the impact of the 12UEFs is almost transformative. The best way of describing the effect is to say that with the 12s its as if a) all the musicians are now performing together in the same room and b) you are in the room with them. Across an array of my test discs I found the same effect. The normal indicators of frequency extreme performance, dynamics etc all somehow seem irrelevant. A couple of examples. On "Bye Bye Blackbird" by Nancy Harms yes the bass is very clear but also superbly dimensioned, this then becomes a busy and congested recording as the full band enters but with the 12UEFs it's easy to sort the parts out and hear all of the musicians playing off one another. Another simple recording is Canen "I've got a guy in Kalamazoo" -- this is almost a mono recording and frankly I thought it sounded a bit muffled but with the 12UEFs again everyone is playing together, you can't help your toes from tapping and really engage with the bass players moves

One odd manifestation of the effect of these components is with any strong central vocal when you move your head forward and back it seems as if you are in the room with the vocalist and are moving away and towards him or her -- all the other instruments stay relatively in proportion and it's as if you can walk around the room

I can only surmise that by taking away low level noise from the power supply the 12UEFs are letting through more of the recorded acoustic - others have noted similar effects with other SR Atmosphere and black series components

Anyway for those already using SR Powercells or in the market for some sort of conditioner I can highly recommend them
Jafant. Regarding which dealers to use here are three recommendations I have worked with

1. The Cable Company. You will be limited to their discount policy (plus any current SR offers) but benefit from the cable library
2. Highend-electronics. Alfred is a pleasure to work with and offers good prices and very quick service, probably the easiest dealer to work with
3. Scott Walker Audio.  Scott has the closest ties to SR and also can do very good deals, especially if you are buying multiple SR items at once. He's also very good with trades

any one of these three will do you well, good luck

I concur with folk freak on Scott Walker.  Scott is very knowledgable about system setup and more importantly how the various SR products will work best in your system. I'd be happy to speak with you on my journey through the SR cable and power conditioner series to my current landing spot.

+1 for Scott Walker. Received my Power cell 12 about two weeks ago. Great to work with and very knowledgeable about the Synergistic line. 
I would definitely check with David at Weinhart Designs.  I have purchased three powercells from him, including the latest and he is great to deal with, and I think you will find him to have as good or better prices than anyone.  With my trade-in, he only charged the net due and allowed me to keep mine until I got the new one.  To me, that was real customer service. 
Much Thanks- richfield_hunter.
I would be interested in reading about your SR products journey.