Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
@jeffrubin, I'm glad you reached out to DEQX and shared their general feedback. I was curious to get their take. I'm not surprised at the response at all. Despite my enthusiasm for MQA, I think i'm in the same boat as you. I think the positives of speaker/room correction and crossover of the DEQX would outweigh the benefit of MQA. That's my current leaning, anyway. 

That said, my music library is HEAVILY based on CD-quality digital streaming via Tidal (controlled by Roon which I'm now using and ecstatic about). If Tidal flips the switch on MQA this century and starts streaming most if not all of their library in that format, I hope it sounds as good or better through a non-MQA DAC than the current format. That's what MQA promises, but I've heard doubters. I tend to trust MQA, backed by reviewers at Stereophile, Audiostream, etc. 
@jeffrubin I am not sure I am clear if the HDP5 contains the Roon Server - or is just a Roon endpoint. If it is a full on server - how do you configure it with music sources etc? Is there a remote configuration app? Can the app running on your smartphone configure the server running on your DEQX?

I understand if it is a Roon Endpoint and you have a server running on a machine elsewhere how this would work - but I see nothing on the Roon site or DEQX site that says that the HDP5 comes with the server pre-installed.
For those who have been waiting for Part 3 of the DEQX articles on Digital Audio Review, it’s up now:

This part covers subwoofer integration.
Very interesting discussion there of both using the DEQX for crossover and how DEQX can impact sub placement location options. Good read.