Wes Phillps has passed away

Sad to just hear the news that Wes has passed away.

I had the pleasure to know Wes for many years and enjoyed his writing.

R.I.P. Wes...

I was sorry to see that. He was not well for a while, but he contributed a lot, and was well-regarded. Another reminder that this is all so finite- live life like you stole it!
bill hart
RIP Wes.  One of my favorite reviewers.  Met him at HiFi '99 in Chicago at the Palmer House.  So right Bill!  Regards........

Just found this thread and first time I learn the news; very sorry to hear it.  Wes was one of the most musically astute audiophiles that I have ever met.  I got to know Wes well before he became known as a reviewer and was still a salesman at the original Stereo Exchange in NYC.  He truly loved music and was an avid concert goer and the rare individual who could actually name players in local orchestras.  He was generous with his time and demoed equipment for me without any pressure and with the emphasis always on the music.  Great guy who will be missed. (But, you should have stayed with TAS, Wes 😊 ).  RIP