Schitt Audio Still in business???

I have attempted to email repeatedly from different email accounts and my email is returned from google saying they cannot relay to the schitt email server.

The company also does not like to staff to answer the phone.  

With this type of customer service I can understand why they would go out of business.
I emailed twice last month trying to see when the Gungnir Multibit would be back in stock and got replies (well, the response was we don't know) and found a used one here in Dallas that I picked up. It's a great DAC and I know their stuff is selling. Try looking for used on the shark website and there's little high end stuff coming on the secondary market. I pleased with the Gumbie. I think they're far from over staffed with more emphasis on assembly here in the US. That's not such a bad thing. And when looking for stereo gear I wouldn't make fun of a name I hadn't listened to. They try to put really good gear out at affordable prices. I've had their Lyr headphone amp for several years and like it as well.
Not all of us can drop $10k on every piece of equipment.

Their CS is spotty. They usually do ok getting orders out, but good luck trying to get a straight answer out of them. I was trying to decide which DAC to buy and ended up getting cheaper one, because I could't them to tell me what the sonic difference MIGHT be. An educated guess would've been fine! Anyway, I purchased the cheaper $150 DAC and am THRILLED with it. They could have sold me the BiFrost if they had made some attempt to answer my questions. Bottom line: Great company. Great products. Do your homework and don't expect any help.
What did you inquire about anyway, psickerson?  I've owned a bunch of their Schiit, maybe I could help.
Funny, the ones having a bitch about Schiit’s, have only a low number of post in Audiogon and are new members, also posting just on this thread alone? Think about that?????

Cheers George
I wanted to try a passive pre-amp and thought for $50 I'll buy the Schitt. What do I have to lose? When attempting to listen, all I got was a hum that almost made me jump out of my skin. I was able to reach customer service right away who gave me some possible causes that I did not believe would have any benefit. Tried it again and received the same result. Probably dumb on my part for tempting fate twice. Immediately returned it to Amazon. Glad I didn't lose part of my system.