Switched or Unswitched outlets--please

I have a Furman IT Ref 15 that has 12 sockets, 4 swithed, 4 unswitched, 4 not specified--I have high end--CD, Blu Ray, 2 monos, 1 5 channel amp, 1 processor, VCR, DAC, 400 DVD player and my Comcast DVR box, and a nice Headphone amp. All feeding B&W 800 series speakers all around-- 7 of them. All mid-level Tranparent cables & power cords.

I would appreciate your "EXPERT" instruction as to what to plug into what please:-)
BTW--my Cable DVR is plugged into a seperate power supply so I do not lose programmng when turning everyhing else off.

My amps are Bryston & seem to work fine right away without warm up time?
Djones1915: You certainly are not doing anything "wrong". My equipment, except for the monos is plugged into an APC power conditioner with battery back-up. Even so, I turn off all the equipment before shutting down the APC. In an electrical storm I unplug the APC.

Sounds like you have a nice system.