Bass traps - too many choices!!

Browsed the forum and read a lot regarding bass traps. But overwhelming and still not sure what to buy. Looked at the ASC site; and their tube traps are tuned to different frequencies. eBay sells foam wedges which are advertised as corner bass traps. Relatively inexpensive too. But are they effective? I've also heard about using sand-filled cardboard tubes (used for pouring concrete). Even heard that a large potted plant set in the corner can be an effective bass trap.
Can anyone simplify this? I already have Room Tunes in my corners. Speakers are on the diagonal as my listening room is kinda squarish. So I'm just looking to put a bass trap in the corner behind and between the two speakers. But I want to make sure that whatever I buy is effective. 

rockeyboy: If you haven't already, look up . You'll find their cable risers that are a more simple design.

In the future, you'll need to have a direct correlation of your item and it's effectiveness to the sound of your system.

What state are you residing? Reason being, maybe someone, a fellow audiophile can help guide you?

Agree regarding introducing items willy nilly into a system. That's why I've not yet purchased a low frequency base trap.  I'm retired and have to be careful how I spend my money.  
An audiophile friend/designer is coming over this week. Looking forward to his recommendations. 
Think my DIY wooden risers are every bit as effective as Mapleshde risers and at a fraction of the price.

I have never found wood or metal cables risers worth a damn. Wood is a fair dielectric and at least in my second floor listening room static electricity is the threat. The best are porcelain and glazed isolators.
While you may be technically correct, I can't imagine any system revealing enough to A/B test various risers. If you know of any, I will book a flight tomorrow to assist with that testing. 
rockyboy, a few months ago I was at John Tucker of Exemplar Audio in Everett, Washington. He had a nice sounding system in his listening room with three ceramic rings holding up the speaker wires. After listening a while, I asked if I might do something. He said yes. I used only one of the rings in an elevated  position on each side.

He said, "Had I not heard that I would not have believed it possible." 

This was a smaller difference than between types of risers. You are welcomed to come down and listen. I am in College Station, TX. Bring your preferred risers.