Bass traps - too many choices!!

Browsed the forum and read a lot regarding bass traps. But overwhelming and still not sure what to buy. Looked at the ASC site; and their tube traps are tuned to different frequencies. eBay sells foam wedges which are advertised as corner bass traps. Relatively inexpensive too. But are they effective? I've also heard about using sand-filled cardboard tubes (used for pouring concrete). Even heard that a large potted plant set in the corner can be an effective bass trap.
Can anyone simplify this? I already have Room Tunes in my corners. Speakers are on the diagonal as my listening room is kinda squarish. So I'm just looking to put a bass trap in the corner behind and between the two speakers. But I want to make sure that whatever I buy is effective. 


Showing 13 responses by rockyboy

So, I'm now comparing bass traps from ASC, Auralex, Acoustimac, GIK and Auralex clones off eBay. I feel a migraine coming on.

I've already eliminated slap echo using panels at reflection points on my walls. What I want/need is a bass trap. Just not sure what the "right" product is. I may call ASC next week and get their thoughts. Their products are pricey. That's why I might buy a cylinder from Lowes, fill it with sand, plop it in the corner and hear what it does. 
Just scanned the gikacoustics site and was very impressed with what they offer. Prices seem reasonable as is shipping cost. 
Yes I guess the cylinder/sand approach is flawed. Not interested in using chicken wire/insulation. WAF is non-existent.  Think I'll call ASC and GIK on Monday. Thanks for everyone's input. 

Okay, way too much info.  I'd like everyone who has weighed in to get into the same room this week and come up with the best, most cost effective solution for me!  And don't come out until you have one. I will sit here patiently waiting. lol
I may do that. But their products (and shipping) are more expensive than those from companies I listed. 

I have two DIY 2' X 4' acoustic panels that I made years from 2" thick Owens Corning 703.  I have since replaced them with professionally made panels.  Since these two DIY panels are excess to my needs, is there any  reason why I can't sandwich the two together to make a 4" thick bass trap in the corner between/behind my speakers?
To refresh your memory, I have my speakers on the diagonal since my room is pretty square. So the corner I'm trying to address is behind and between my monitors. 
Slaw, thAnks for the suggestion. I think I have a handle on most everything. I'm just lacking a low freq. bass trap in the corner between my speakers. I have someone coming over next week who will help identify what frequencies need taming. Will try to go the DIY route if at all possible. 
Everything I make tends to look like a third grade shop project, but doesn't stop me from trying.
Yesterday made cable elevators from small 6" high easels purchased at Michaels (bought 15 @ $1.27ea)!  They were already 60% off and I had a 20% coupon. Sanded the fru fru side edges straight, sanded notches on top to hold the cable (made risers to accommodate two cables and risers for only one cable), and sprayed them black, and they look pretty nice.  I think any third grader would be very impressed with my results!
Highly recommended solution for anyone wanting inexpensive cable risers.

Agree regarding introducing items willy nilly into a system. That's why I've not yet purchased a low frequency base trap.  I'm retired and have to be careful how I spend my money.  
An audiophile friend/designer is coming over this week. Looking forward to his recommendations. 
Think my DIY wooden risers are every bit as effective as Mapleshde risers and at a fraction of the price.

While you may be technically correct, I can't imagine any system revealing enough to A/B test various risers. If you know of any, I will book a flight tomorrow to assist with that testing. 
Very interesting. Appreciate the offer. But, I graduated from Univ. of Texas and my restraining order forbids me from setting foot within College Station city limits.
I recently pulled my Rel Storm III out of my room (and put it up for sale). Found it added little to SQ and getting it out of system simplified my life. I will look into the REW and microphone to see their cost. Downside is that they are a one time use item. After setup, the items go on the shelf. Shame that dealers don't purchase and rent them to customers.