Bookshelf speakers and record player for Marantz 2245 receiver?

I'm getting a marantz 2245 and looking for recommendations for speakers and a record player to go with it.

I live in Brooklyn and the aptmt isn't huge, so thinking bookshelf speakers, perhaps new.

Thoughts or recommendations?

Thank you!
Had the unit back in college, mated up to JBL L100's
A great match sonically for my dorm and apartment digs (for a receiver and speakers of its bygone era )

What is your budget for the new speakers? Are you looking brand new,or used? Will you be putting these on a shelf,or will they need stands? 

     Sorry for all the questions,but they may help in making recommendations. 
Staying with the vintage, maybe Dynaco A25 speakers and a Dual 1229Q turntable.  Both easily available
Thanks everyone.  I'm looking to spend no more than around $500 for the speakers.  Speakers can be new or used.  Probably gonna get a new turntable.

For the speakers they'd be on a table, probably dresser.  Close to the wall but can make sure there's enough distance.
(1) I would suggest that you actually test-drive the Marantz with a list of contenders and the all-too-many pretenders. I had the DYNACO A25s with the MARANTZ before I upgraded to the JBL L100’s. Their performance (or lack thereof ) was the driving reason for the change.
And the degree of audio performance improvement was epic .... The DYNACOs were comparative crap

(2) having said that, today’s bookshelves with their vastly improved designs, superior parts components, and now properly designed cross-overs unavailable back then, will generally smoke all of the "vintage" kit performance wise ... It's Not even close. ... Even today's budget kit would be my first choice over "vintage". The old stuff will also need surround replacement, cap replacements, generally have scraped cabinet finishes to boot ....

As has been said repeatedly to date, "vintage" in audio is not "vintage" in wines. In audio, it just means "old technology " and these are limited performance kit that are also failing units as they age.
i can understand a subjective yen for nostalgia kit reminiscent of one's youth .... Fine .... Enjoy .... But if it's maxing out performance, look elsewhere.