Just moved to an apartment need speaker suggestions

my better half and I just moved into an apartment need speaker suggestions, current speakers are Magnepan 1.6qr with Rythmik f15hp subs x2, need something as engaging as the Maggies but able to play softly, will be driven by a Classe CAP 2100 integrated.  thanks in advance.

your comment about bass presence at low volumes makes good sense to me since the OP did state he will play "softly".

your "efficient speakers" comment however is so general and unsubstantiated that it’s puzzling at best. can you elaborate without using the word "pressurized" unless you want to go to great lengths to explain how longitudinal waves superpose, reflect, diffract and attenuate?

yeah , the op is going to have to play at lower volume , no choice about that .I am not big on recommending particular brands . OP needs to hear and judge for himself . Hundreds of worthy speakers out there . All the less efficient speakers i have owned take larger volumes to wake up the bass . The more efficient speakers less . just my experience .Greater dynamics at lower volumes as well with efficient speakers. I would add finding speakers that do not go down too low as well . You will be less likely to have problems with neighbors .
OK. I understand that you're talking about your experiences here. I also assume you mean to include only passive speakers in your comment, because, for instance, Vandersteen Quatros are not efficient and yet they would be excellent for the OP's room as the bass in so configurable that it would allow him/her to augment the bass. Low volume listening will sound great. Of course the Quatros are out of the price range here, but just making the point about this slightly inefficient speaker being more than adequate. And yes, there are ways to decouple it from the floor if people want  to comment about the low-to-the ground ports.

However, I believe you need to state which inefficient speakers you refer to as well as the amplifier driving them in order to make the general statement you're making. I had J.A. Pulsars in a small room for instance. Not an efficient speaker by any means, but it sure sounded wonderful at low volumes with any of my amps. Again, theses speakers are out of the OP's price range but the principal doesn't change with price: some inefficient speakers can be wonderful in small rooms. 

maybe this way of describing it is better . I have three speakers in my room right now , one set of floorstanders that are efficient , one real large inefficient set of towers and one set of electrostats (full range no cone) . When comparing all three at the same spl my most efficeint has the most bass presence , followed by the inefficeint towers and lastly the electrostats . To get the same perceived bass with the electrostats i need to turn the volume up louder . If i were in an apartment situation and i liked bass i would not use the electrostats .
Even the preamp used will have an effect on bass . A Bryston preamp i am listening to right now has the most bass at lower volumes than any other pre i have used in the past . My whole recommendation is assuming the op likes bass . Maybe the op could care less about bass . Most americans like bass though .Bass will be the biggest problem with the neighbors . The  reason i turn up the volume is to get more bass response . The louder you go you start to bring in more senses like feeling the pressure waves. Take bass out of the listening equation for me and why bother cranking it up to just hear louder mids and treble .