Looking for repair tech in NJ / Meitner

Looking for contact info for the Agon member who I bought a Meitner PA6 pre with missing remote from several years ago.  I seem to recall that this person is also a repair tech in NJ and is a regular poster here. I have a Meitner 101 amp that needs repair and thought that this person would be be a good place to start,  if you are that person and read this, please contact me.  Also looking for tech recs in the NYC area; would prefer to not send unit to John Wright in Canada.  Thanks to all for your help.

Hi frogman, I also have a pair of meitner 101 amps, of which one has failed (I believe there was a known problem with a circuit or such on start up, I am not technical).  I am also hoping there will be someone posting a domestic source for repairs.  If not, perhaps John Wright in Canada is still repairing Meitner gear, but I prefer to not send to Canada for repair.  If all else fails, perhaps you or I can purchase the other's good amp.  Mine are in excellent shape, other than the obvious. 
Interesting proposition, Jetter. Do you have the version with the tubular heat sinks?  Let's be in touch about this. Thanks

This may be the guy you are looking for in NJ it's is a long shot ...

Email Bigkidz (Peter) a member here who I believe lives in NJ and builds or repairs preamps

Just a long shot

Thanks davehrab, and all who responded, it was indeed Peter (bigkidz); I have contacted him.