Would you be more likely to buy new gear out of state if there was no sales tax

There is a retailer that advertises in the Absolute Sound that you can buy gear from him without paying sales tax. He is located in Delaware where they don't have sales tax. Being from California that would save me 9.5 percent off the top and that is without even negotiating. I don't know if he charges for shipping or not but it seems like it could be beneficial.

I concur from above- all taxes are legalized robbery, to say the very least!
For the most part if you buy online you don't pay your residing state's sales tax.  I've bought from Nevada,  Arizona....etc etc etc,  and so forth.

For me it's not the evasion of paying it,  it's simply who has what I want.

State of Texas is really miss-spelled. E and A must be visa versa
Nasty angry red-neck, nazi, KKK, GWB state. Void, ignor at all costs.