Speakers that will bring me down to me knees crying with joy

Ok, so I had to write something ordinary in the title, but it´s really what I want. I live in Sweden and here we have a few really good Hi-Fi dealers which can offer great brands, but not everything is available. I´ve taken a break from this hobby the last 2-3years so I´m not up to speed on every new set of speakers.

What I have listened to in the past:

TAD Reference One - Really awesome speaker, it was paired up with TAD´s electronic and I found the sound a bit cold, just a bit. 

Giya G1 - I can´t get past the design 100% but the sound was good, but the setup might not have been the best or optimal for me. However I could see wanting to listen to them again in a different setup if possible.

Raidho D3 and D5 - Now this is the speakerbrand is, together with Sonus Faber Cremona M, that made the best emotionally connection with me. I was actually visiting Raidhos factory in Denmark with a dealer who brought me there. The sound from the D5 were super awesome, but they are very hard to get by used, but they could be the best speakers I´ve heard.

Focal diablo - Really awesome little speaker; sounded really good, I would like to hear the new speakers from Focal.

B&W 800D - Paired up with classe electronics; I found them pretty good, but it was too long ago when I heard them.

Magico S5 - I really really wanted to love this speaker, it looked so perfect 2x10" etc. it was paired up with electronics from Devialet. I experienced the sound to be too cold for me, could have been the room which was very small and weird.

## So what is important for me; well emotions emotions emotions; I want to feel something when listen to music; if we´re talking about chosing a "colorless" speaker and pair it up with tubes" or chose a speaker like Sonus Faber use to be, made everything sound lush, then the first option might suite me the best. I don´t want a ruthless system that make 65% of CD´s sound like shit because they are extremely analyzing. This is what I find the hardest to balance. But I like my music loud and I´m mostly looking a bigger speakers because I want that BIG sound which can bring me to my knees I want to be overwhelmed and washed with sounds. I have all my music in FLAC / WAV.

Any suggestions?

We are in complete agreement.  Almost all of the speakers I really like are either vintage or old school when it comes to the woofers--pulp paper cone woofers, particularly drivers with pleated fabric surrounds.  I particularly don't like the metal and ceramic coned drivers.
For something completely different, breaking the rules. For something that brings back liveliness to music, Visit http://www.edenacoustics.com.

Hi the_spaniard,

What is your price range?  Just off the cuff based on the speakers you listed above, the speakers that I find come closest to meeting your stated goal of "emotions emotions emotions" plus "BIG sound which can bring me to my knees I want to be overwhelmed and washed with sounds" (without going into the true megabuck realm) are the Tidal Audio Agoria or Contriva Diacera G2.  Given your stated preferences, I would also check out the Evolution Acoustics MM3.  Finally, while I do not have much direct experience with these, I have heard from others that the Rockport Aviors can be emotionally involving, yet provide a big sound as well.

I am certainly not a cheerleader for Magico, but am a little surprised by your experience with the S5's (as I agree with your comments on, e.g., the TAD). Maybe the Devialet is not a great pairing, or the room made a difference as you suspect - the Magico S series can sound quite warm with the right amplifier pairing.