Good options for monitor Audio sliver line

Hello I have the newer design monitor audio silver 8 speakers , and am currently using a marantz 7008 avr to push them . I bought a emotiva xpa amp to add some more sound to the speakers , but sold it the next day . The marantz avr sounded better . Any ways I’m looking into staying with marantz , and stepping up into the seperates realm with the 7702mkii or 8802 but need to find a good amp that matches with my gear . For now I would like to add a amp just to the receiver , then step up to the pre amp. I wanted to to try intergrated but I use subs in my setup and Sonos for audio . I realize my stuff is not super high end , but I do appreciate a great sound , and try to get by while still raising a young family . I was told to buy a lexicon , or b&k 200.7 amp , but would like stuff newer with a warranty , unless these two amps are the bees knees .. Thoughts???
if you get an integrated with a HT pass through, your main speakers would be driven by the amp in the integrated when it was in pass-through mode, you would still use sub hook-up on the AVR and the pre-out from the AVR to the integrated for the front two channels, the other speakers would be driven by your amp in the avr. I am a fan of this because it lets you have a better two channel performance while also meshing in with the home theater application.  You can also effectively do the same thing with an integrated without HT pass through by setting the volume level on the integrated to the same spot when you are using the HT but this can be a little risky as if you forget the volume up on high and flip sources then it will be pretty loud.  I wouldn't trust myself, it would be a matter of time before I would make the mistake.  

I did the HT pass through for a long time but ended up with a pre-amp and amp that were not really compatible for this type of application so I go a second set of front speakers for my HT and run two independent systems. I know that the HT would perform better with the better speakers but you know, life if full of compromises.
Would i still be able to use a sub with the intergrated via two channel music as well as HT ? I'm very limited in space and one set of speakers will have to work , but I see your point . Will I get just as good performance buying a two channel amp and using the avr as a pre out , or just buying a dedicated pre pro / amd with a good two channel analog section ?
I am not a sub expert but I believe it would be a challenge to use in both applications with a HT pass through set-up.  Most just use the sub for the HT aspect.  Your speakers by themselves should perform pretty damn well in bass department with a good amp driving them.  

You have now started three different threads Nesto in an attempt to improve your 2 channel listening and everytime an integrated is suggested, you keep going back to questions about HT stuff.  We really are trying to help you.  But they are two different things and HT is great for car crashes, explosions and battles between giant robots but Not For Music!

So, I will repeat again...a 2 channel amp & AVR will not give you what your looking for.  You tried it with the Emotiva and didn't like it.  A different power amp with your AVR will not help.  A dedicated pre/pro and power amp will not give it to you either.  You would still be stuck with the sub-par stereo preamp section that HT gear has.

For good 2 channel stereo, you need good 2 channel components that were designed for stereo.  Not HT stuff designed for digital surround sound!

I will explain an integrated with HT bypass again.  One pair of interconnects from you L/R main pre-outs of your AVR into the HT inputs or Power Amp Direct inputs of the integrated.  All analog sources (TT, CD, Tape Deck, etc.)  are connected to the integrated.  All digital sources, (Blu-ray, Gaming System, etc.) are connected to the AVR.  The integrated powers the main speakers ALL THE TIME, regardless of source.  The AVR powers the center and surrounds only when you want a digital source.  

For 2 channel you only turn on the integrated and use its volume knob (in other words, its preamp section).  And you get true high quality HiFi stereo.  For multi-channel, you turn on the AVR and use its volume knob - all with the push of one button on the integrated.   And you get surround sound.  This is exactly how my system is configured. 

If a sub is important for 2 channel listening, consider getting a REL that can be simultaneously connected to both the integrated and an AVR.  Or some integrated amps with HT Bypass now offer sub-out jacks,.  Like the Parasound Halo Integrated.  Come to think of it, this unit would be all you need. 

I hope it is all clear now.