Ayre Codex

Did someone have experienced with the Ayre Codex used as a DAC.
I like the QB9 dsd sound, but i used toslink connexion so a Codex could be good for me.
I found the codex compelling.  It is more listenable then the QB 9, even lthough it's a little less analytical. It also has an optical in, which makes it more versatile. And when another compelling around machine appears in the upgrade cycle this will make a killer headphone amp and DAC for the office. 
Can’t wait to see what they come up with for a 5-series DAC. I tried the Codex as a DAC in my system (Vandersteen 3A Signature, Ayre AX-5 Twenty) and it sounded warmer than the Ayre C-5xeMP I normally use. However, it seemed like the soundstage wasn’t as wide or deep. As a headphone amp + DAC I feel it’s definitely top-shelf.
Hi all,

Can anyone with a Codex help me with a question?

When using as a preamp, does USB HID volume control work i.e. can you control the volume of the Codex itself from computer software such as iTunes, Audirvana, etc via USB? Especially anyone running OSX?

I did a listening session at my favorite dealer few weeks ago, the result is clear : the QB9 dsd sound MUCH better than the Codex. 

Hi, Marcge:

Was the Codex broken-in?  To me, Codex sounded a lot better than it was after about 200 hours of break-in.  Also, was the comparison done on exactly the same system setup?  Thanks.